Leaders for Health: call for participation in health care managers training program

Lviv Business School of Ukrainian Catholic University (LvBS) calls for submissions to participate in the training program for the health care managers «Leaders for Health». The program is developed and implemented by LvBS and Be―Health & Social Impact Agency within World Bank Capacity building component of the technical assistance project «Support to Reforms and Governance in the Health Sector» funded by Swiss Development Cooperation.


The main goal of the program is to form a pool of healthcare leaders and managers who will understand the objectives of the health reforms, develop their management talent to the level proficient enough to match the increased complexity of the changing health care environment and for them to lead the reform process face to face in their own organizations or regions.

The Program consists of 5 modules. The first one will start from the 31th of January 2019 to 2d of February 2019 in Kyiv.

«Leaders for Health» is targeted at the Directors, Chief Doctors and Deputy Chief Doctors of Healthcare institutions, the Heads of the Healthcare Department of the City and Regional State Administrations.

Program outcomes:

As a result of the program healthcare managers will strengthen the core competencies of healthcare leader within 5 areas: Communication and Relationship Management, Leadership, Professional and Social Responsibility, Health and the Healthcare Environment, Business, as well as understand the implications of implementation the reforms at the local level and gain tools and support for management of reform key aspects on their facility level. Also, they receive mentorship support from the mentors of the course within 1 month after the completion of the program to develop a plan of action for the implementation of a specific project.

Application process. For the participating in the program candidates should fulfill online application form till 5th of January 2019. All participants will be notified about the results of selection process till 15th of January 2019.


Deadline for the application form: 5th of January 2019

Participants: 30 persons (10 from Lviv region, 10 from Poltava region, 2 from five other regions – Kyiv, Zakarpatya, Odesa, Kharkiv or Kherson).

Brief program description

MODULE 1. (Kyiv)  – January 31-February 2, 2019

  •       Health care system and Health Care Environment
  •       Transformation of Health system of Ukraine: main principles and aspects
  •       Legal aspects of the healthcare reform

MODULE 2. (Lviv) – February 7-9, 2019

  •       Change Management. Health reform implementation at the hospital facility level
  •       Introduction to Finance (I)
  •       Introduction to Project Management (I)

MODULE 3. (Lviv)  – February 21-23, 2019

  •       Project management (II), Introduction to Finance. Budgeting (II),
  •       Human Resource (I), Project management (III)
  •       Introduction to Finance. Budgeting (III), Human Resource (II)

MODULE 4. (Lviv) – March 7-9, 2019

  •       Leadership and Ethics
  •       Engaging Culture and developing people’s skills to transform the organization

MODULE 5. (Kyiv)  – March 21-23, 2019

  •       Communication strategy for the healthcare facility
  •       Negotiations
  •       Demo Day

Terms and conditions:

  • 100% engagement in the educational process;
  • to be present on all modules of the program;
  • performing intermodule assignments is obligatory.

Participation fee. Participation in the program is free of charge. All the travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the organizers.

Contact information:

Olga Fokaf, Lviv Business School of UCU (LvBS): +38 (093) 382 49 98, ofokaf@lvbs.com.ua

Anastasiia Medvid, Be―it Health & Social Impact Agency: + 38 (050) 423 79 18, amedvid@be-it.com.ua