LvBS and Prometheus have become strategic partners

2 Jul 2020

Lviv Business School of UCU (LvBS) and Prometheus, the biggest online courses platform in Ukraine, have become strategic partners and signed a cooperation agreement. In particular, we will work together to design new and topical online courses. The goal of our cooperation is to make business education of good quality widespread in Ukraine.

The beginning of the quarantine in Ukraine overlapped in time with the start of the first online course by Lviv Business School of UCU “David Wins: The Power of Asymmetric Thinking” on the Prometheus platform. In June, the second intake attracted 550 applicants.

“As the crisis started, the need for knowledge hasn’t subsided, it has even risen, and taking this into account, we decided to change our format. We chose the virtual format for some of our courses, but new reality always means new opportunities, and so we realized that online learning allows us to attract a new audience that wouldn’t otherwise be able to come to Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, or Ivano-Frankivsk for our programs. And the cooperation with Prometheus will double our influence on the growth of business education in Ukraine. We have common values, the desire to move in one direction and to provide the necessary knowledge to our students at all times”, the Executive Education Director of LvBS Mariana Novostavska says.

“From now on, the Prometheus users will have an opportunity to study the online courses by the leading business school of our country that is building world-class business education here in Ukraine. And the LvBS lecturers will be able to teach dozens of times more students, having before them the audience of 1 250 000 registered users of Prometheus – the biggest online learning platform in Ukraine”, the Co-Founder of Prometheus Ivan Prymachenko says. “This is the first partnership of such kind between the leading business school and the online learning platform in Ukraine, and it marks the beginning of a digital revolution in Ukrainian business education”.