How is the Community of UCU and its Business School in Europe being organized and how is it developing? Many graduates of the Ukrainian Catholic University and of the UCU Business School today found themselves outside their native country. But they have a clear desire to stay united, develop the community, and spread the spirit of UCU, multiplying the values of the university. In particular, a dozen graduates of the UCU Business School took part in the opening of the UCU Foundation in Poland. Graduates of the UCU Business School from various master’s programs came to Wroclaw from Portugal, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, as well as other Polish cities – Warsaw, Ryaszew.
First of all, there was a meeting of Ukrainian youth, graduates of LvBS and UCU with the president of UCU, Metropolitan of Philadelphia Borys Gudziak.
“Be patient. Because great things take time. You can do a lot! Look far away!”, the bishop wished the youth. According to him, the world will be different. Ukrainians will be different. “But we have to distinguish ourselves qualitatively. Remember the sacrifices of our soldiers. Under no circumstances should the sacrifices made by our brothers and sisters at the front come down to nothing,” he said.
Finally, Bishop Borys called on the youth who are currently abroad to be active: “I was most impressed by your desire for fellowship – the desire to be together. This is a huge inspiration. I would like you to believe in your powers. Together you could turn the world upside down.”

The next day, an exclusive meeting was organized for UCU graduates with Rafal Dutkiewicz, a Polish politician and entrepreneur who served as the president of the city of Wrocław for 16 consecutive years — from 2002 to 2018. LvBS CEO Yaryna Boychuk and founding dean of the Business School Sofia Opatska were also present at this meeting. Graduates asked the politician how he managed to gather and retain a team to work in public service and implement innovative approaches to community development. Rafal Dutkiewicz sincerely shared his experience, how Wrocław developed and thousands of jobs were created, about the role of immigrants, their diversity in creating an innovative city and generating new ideas, cooperation between academic and educational communities and business.

And already on February 4, the LvBS Community joined the solemn inauguration of the UCU Foundation in Wroclaw, which will be a kind of cultural institution of academic orientation in Poland. The Foundation’s mission is to serve Ukrainians in Poland, as well as support the development of cooperation between both countries, particularly in the academic field. The founders of the UCU Foundation in Poland are the rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University Father Bohdan Prach, the bishop-ordinary of the Wrocław-Koszały Eparchy of the Greek Catholic Church in Poland, Bishop Włodzimierz Juszczak, and the former mayor of the city of Wrocław from 2002 to 2018, Rafał Dutkiewicz.

The newly created UCU Foundation in Wroclaw is headed by Roksolyana Voronowska, director of LvBS Consulting, head of the LvBS family business center:
“Our goal is to create an open community in Poland, where you can come, talk about various topics, invite experts, intellectuals, writers, historians to discuss the challenges facing Ukraine and every Ukrainian, wherever he is.”
The foundation should serve Ukrainians living in Poland, unite them, create new educational opportunities and meanings, and support the development of cooperation between the countries.
The article uses photos and materials from the Ukrainian Catholic University