United by a Common Goal: Partnership Between the UCU Business School and «Come Back Alive»

11 Sep 2024

The partnership with the charitable foundation «Come Back Alive» is a testament to our commitment to change and development. The UCU Business School and the Ukrainian Catholic University are proud to collaborate with a foundation that is key in supporting and advancing our military and nation.

What meanings did we embed in this partnership?

In today’s reality, as Ukraine faces its most challenging trials, unity and collective action have become key factors for our victory. Collaboration between different sectors—business, civil organizations, and educational institutions—plays a crucial role in ensuring the resilience and development of our country. The partnership between the UCU Business School, the Ukrainian Catholic University, and the charitable foundation «Come Back Alive» is based on shared goals and values. The foundation’s employees undergo training in UCU Business School programs and also participate in online courses from the Ukrainian Catholic University. The goal of the partnership is to enhance their professional skills and development, thereby improving their effectiveness in serving the country.

Taras Dobko, Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University, states:

«How can we best contribute to the changes in our society? How can we have a significant impact on our country? For us, it is very natural to do this by strengthening the capacities of both individuals and institutions that are transforming our country before our eyes. One such institution is the «Come Back Alive» foundation, and it is a great honor for us to collaborate with them, as we fully understand that our contribution to strengthening the foundation’s team will be doubled or even tripled in the future».

Why is this partnership important?

This partnership represents a profound union of efforts aimed at achieving a shared goal — enhancing the professional competence and operational efficiency of a foundation that plays a crucial role in supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

This alliance has become a foundation for significant changes, providing the foundation’s staff with the opportunity to participate in UCU Business School programs and online courses from UCU. As a result, they have gained new knowledge and skills that enable them to apply the most advanced methods in their daily work. Together, we are shaping a future filled with opportunities to strengthen our country, support its defense capabilities, and overcome any challenges on the path to victory.

Khrystyna Dolna, COO of the UCU Business School, states:

«Ukrainians have proven to the world and themselves that unity is incredibly important. We become stronger and receive support and help, and that’s why partnerships are so relevant and crucial today. The fact that members of the ‘Come Back Alive’ community participate in UCU programs is highly valuable to us, as the union of business and civil organizations always allows for the exchange of experience and understanding of how everyone, in their way, can contribute to our victory.»

What are the initial results of the foundation team’s training?

The results of the training within the partnership between the UCU Business School and the «Come Back Alive» foundation are already evident in practice. The foundation’s staff are actively implementing the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their daily work, significantly increasing the effectiveness of their initiatives. Below, you can find feedback from participants who have completed the training programs and online courses, sharing their impressions and results.

Andriy Nahornyi, Head of the Military Department:

«The course «Personnel Management: Effective Tools» exceeded my expectations. The set of tools for identifying and addressing issues within the team was particularly valuable, and I have already successfully applied them in practice. The module on management, especially identifying the strengths and weaknesses of subordinates, has significantly improved my work with the team.»

After completing the training, Andriy significantly optimized his team’s workflow, reduced the workload, and involved subordinates in the implementation of the Foundation’s projects. As a result, the team moved out of a constant state of stress and began regularly initiating and executing military-oriented projects.

Maksym Lymanskyi, Head of SMM, states:

«The «Personnel Management: Effective Tools» course provided a solid foundation in a convenient format: the ability to watch lectures at any time, which were generalized but also inspiring for further reading and reflection. My notes from these lectures are still at home and remain very useful to me. The practical tasks in the first module were extremely helpful in assessing the state of the team. Although it was challenging at first, in the end, it allowed me to evaluate the team’s situation. It was a great starting point for understanding what needs improvement within the team and determining directions for further learning. I assess this experience very positively. The course format truly deserves praise.»

As a result, the SMM department now has a clear, stable structure, with roles and responsibilities well-distributed according to the organization’s needs and the specific abilities of the staff. The specialists themselves are achieving the expected results in their work.

Maksym Zinchuk, Director of the Operations Department, shares his thoughts on the «Internet Marketing: Intensive for Business» program:

«The «Internet Marketing: Intensive for Business» program helped me consolidate and systematize my knowledge about digital marketing, promotion in the digital space, and the use of online marketing tools. I realized where we could improve our processes and identified our weak points. I especially enjoyed the networking opportunities: one of the instructors later visited us, and we received valuable consultations on subscriptions and website pages. It’s impressive that all the lecturers are practitioners and business leaders sharing real-life cases, not just theory.»

As a result, developing regular subscriptions has become one of the department’s top priorities. Over 4,000 people have subscribed for regular donations since the launch, and we continue to build on these results. In the future, we plan to implement the initiatives we learned during the training and adapt to our context.

Anna Nazarenko, HR Manager, on the program «Employee Motivation: What to Offer Besides Bonuses»:

«The training provided me with a solid theoretical foundation and new tools for assessing the motivation of candidates and employees. The module on building motivation systems in companies was particularly useful, helping me understand the need for an audit of existing motivators and their adaptation for development. We are currently exploring ways to improve our motivation system. The exercise on integrating motivational plans at all levels was also extremely valuable. It allows us to create different ways to sustain motivation.»

Anna Kolesnikova, Head of the Project Office, on the «Soft Skills Marathon»:

«The training was a great opportunity to structure the knowledge I already had. I especially enjoyed the networking and interactive teamwork with other students, which allowed me to step outside my usual bubble. Despite the program’s short duration, it quickly and effectively immersed us in the UCU atmosphere.”

Thanks to her developed soft skills and excellent performance, Anna now leads the project office and heads the largest project in the Foundation’s history—OKKO 3.0 (raising 500 million UAH).

The Power of Partnership

The partnership with UCU and UCU Business School has not only elevated the professional level of the «Come Back Alive» foundation’s employees but also optimized internal processes and improved project implementation. This mutually enriching collaboration creates a powerful synergistic effect that contributes to the foundation’s effectiveness and success in its noble mission.

Such a partnership is an important step in the development of all three organizations and continues to yield positive results, demonstrating that united efforts can make a profound impact on the country’s future.