Martins Tiknuss

Visiting lecturer
Martins Tiknuss

Martins has a vast experience in international business. He is a managing partner at Gateway & Partners and takes care of strategic and operational tasks for leading Export consulting company. Martins is an excellent salesperson and provides insights into export development. Martins often presents and educates export-related topics across Europe sharing his experience gained being 15 years in and around export processes. Martins holds a master’s degree in Business Administration degree at Riga Business School.

Gateway & Partners is an export consulting company that links foreign companies. Founded in 2004, Gateway& Partners has grown into the largest export consulting company in the region uniting 40 international business professionals mastering 15 languages. Gateway’s team helps companies to develop and grow business in new markets by organizing partner searches, match-making events, and incoming buyer visits. Gateway provides up-to-date market intelligence – market research and analysis.  Clients are exporters, clusters, associations, government agencies, and consulting companies. Within 15 years Gateway has helped over 1000 companies to develop business across the world. Gateway has offices in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Georgia.