- Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
- Lecturer at the Lviv Institute of Management and the Ukrainian Catholic University
- Studied at the Training of Trainers’ seminar by the National Council on Economic Education
Natalia Danylenko
Visiting lecturer

Academic Experience
- She has more than 43 years of teaching experience, and more than 25 years of experience in the field of business education.
- Participated in the work of the sections “Corporate Management” and “Managerial Economics” at the Summer Institute of the Consortium for the Improvement of Management Education.
- She underwent educational practice in Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium.
- Field of research interests: international economic relations, macroeconomic problems of the development of transitional economies.
- Professional skills and knowledge: she teaches at the MBA program of the Lviv Institute of Management almost since its creation. Educational courses: microeconomics, macroeconomics.
- In 2005-2006, she taught a macroeconomics course for students of the MBA program of the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.
- Awards: Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, laureate of awards “To famous scientists and well-known specialists”, as well as “For achievements in the field of science that contribute to the development of socio-economic transformations in the region and confirm the high reputation of scientists of the Lviv Region in Ukraine.”