Oksana holds a position of Director of Kyiv Center of UCU since May 2016. Prior to taking up this post, she was Executive Director of Yalta European Strategy and headed the Department of Educational Programs at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. In 2008 – 2013, Ms. Kulakovska was Director of Executive MBA Program and Deputy Director of Lviv Business School at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Among her achievements, there is development and implementation of partnership development program between leading business schools of the USA, Poland, and over 40 higher educational establishments offering business education in Ukraine within the framework of the Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education, CEUME, Kyiv. Oksana has developed ideology and implementation of the first post-diploma studies (PDS) in Ukraine, arranged over 25 international study tours into 7 countries of the world for heads of leading Ukrainian companies and universities. A native of Lviv, Ms. Kulakovska received comprehensive training in Business Administration, Strategic and Marketing Planning in Lviv Institute of Management, Warsaw School of Economics, University of Minnesota, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, CEU Business School.