Master in International Economics of Kyiv National Economic University, LLM in Intellectual Property of Turin University. Trained in WIPO (World Intellectual Property
Organization). For two years has worked at the State Department of Intellectual Property. Participated in the work over the project of development and implementation of the Competitiveness Strategy of Lviv by 2015 as a part of the Effective Management Foundation team. Has been working in Lviv Business School of UCU since 2012, was
engaged in various projects: organizing Intro conferences, publishing book translations, developing and conducting training programs, launching LvBS intellectual centers – for family business and business design, etc. Since the beginning of 2017, in the position of a Director for Development , has been in charge of marketing, international partnerships, alumni network development, development projects, LvBS intellectual centers and activities in other cities. She also teaches business design at the MS in Innovations and Entrepreneurship program.