10 Quotes from Leading Business Consultant

28 Oct 2014

Lviv Business School launched a three-month program led by one of the best business consultants in the world, Adrian Slywotzky. The program “Mission Impossible: Launch, Brand, Customer Cryptography” started with a two-day course of lectures from the leading business thinker and will continue for the next 12 weeks. Close to one hundred managers from all over Ukraine are studying at the program.

How to build a number one brand in the industry in 3.5 years, how to increase the chances of a successful launch of a new product from 10% to 90%, why it is important to understand your customers – LvBS offers 10 quotes from Adrian Slywotzky, who advises CEOs of the Fortune 500.

1. The best and cheapest way to build a brand is to launch a specific product. The easiest way to double the value of your customers is to find their weak points and suggest solutions.
2. There is one thing that business always forgets – to bring emotion to the product. This creates an emotional connection between the company and the customer.
3. When we communicate with our customers, we listen to those who like our product, and do not listen to those who do not like our product. We must learn to accept unpleasant and painful information – it is the genetic code of a successful launch. Changing our thinking patterns does not cost us anything.
4. You must be the best detective in your field and completely understand your customers. Demand, which can be generated by solving the customers’ problems, will allow you to get significantly ahead of your competition.
5. A brand is a test of honesty
6. The Newtonian World where you have to advertise the most still exists. However, the situation is changing rapidly: today a brand is what customers are saying about you to each other. Oral feedback of your customers is the first thing that creates your brand. When there are good reviews about your product then it makes sense to advertise, because you will multiply the positive.
7. Your team for the formation of a brand is crucial. Each contact between your employees and customers is crucial.
8. “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room,” Adrian Slywotzky quoted Jeff Bezos.
9.  The brand of Ukraine 2000 is anti-Semitism, fascists, mobs. The brand of Ukraine 2014 is Europeans, the Maidan, revolution for freedom, corruption (transition from corruption), war. What is the brand of Ukraine 2020? It’s up to you.
10. Imagine that in 4-5 years there will be 4-5 world-renowned Ukrainian entrepreneurs who have created global, interesting, and high quality companies. How then will the world think about Ukraine? 

Adrian Slywotzky, Partner at Oliver Wyman, is one of the top 50 business thinkers in the world and one of the top 25 business consultants

The value of this course is not me, but how many books and articles you read, what tasks you will accomplish, how you will work together in teams for the next 12 weeks.
This course is our mutual work, I dedicate this work to our soldiers. I was never a soldier, but I realize one thing: they are sacrificing their lives in order to build the Ukraine not of yesterday, butthe future Ukraine. And what Ukraine that will be, the one they fight for, depends on us.


Sophia Opatska, Dean of Lviv Business School 

For us, entrepreneurs, message from Adrian Slywotzky is very important. On the one hand, we have to be conscious citizens and help the country. On the other, we as entrepreneurs are called on to make our companies more competitive and productive.


Serhiy Lesnyak, director of RR Commodities (Shanghai), teacher of international business, came to the program from China

I like Adrian Slywotzky and I have been captivated by his books for a long time. At first I read Value Migration, it had a positive impact on my life. After that I bought books by Adrian Slywotzky, and recommended them to my friends. I waited for a long time for the opportunity to meet this renowned business consultant. The LvBS course is very good value for a good price.
The variety of tools offered by Adrian Slywotzky, the depth of work with customers, which he teaches, the scheme of the customers’ weak points – these are very applied things. We will implement these tools in our company and with customers.