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Innovative Digital Disruption

The course for identifying the digital tools that will be good at facilitating business transformation


Winter 2025


3 days





About the program

In this course, we will explore the forces driving disruption in today’s business environment, such as accelerated pace of technology innovation, changes in consumer behavior and expectations, new business and engagement models, etc. We will work through a framework to discover opportunities for disruption in an enterprise (i.e., asset/system/ecosystem analysis, ten types of innovation) and define transformation opportunities via digital agility.

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Program's structure

Learning objectives:

  • Introduction to the course
  • Cases: company overview (each team presents to the rest of the class)
  • Asset/system/ecosystem enterprise model: lecture and facilitated discussion
    • Group work on the characterization of enterprise issues and opportunities based on the case study
    • Group presentation and critique
  • Ten types of innovation model: lecture and facilitated discussion
    • Group work on the identification of innovation opportunities based on the case study (including mapping to enterprise model layer and definition of relative value and cost levers)
    • Group presentation and critique
  • Digital agility model: lecture and facilitated discussion
    • Group work on framing a digital transformation based on the case study: intent, scale, and value
    • Group work on prioritization of opportunities and configuration of 2-3 imagine/deliver/run iterations (including demonstration of empirical behaviors)
    • Group discussion about communicating value and opportunity to clients (e.g., issue to impact model)
    • Group presentation and critique
  • Final presentations

We remind you that besides the course «Innovative Digital Disruption», the Certificate Program in Technology Management also includes the following courses:

  1. HR Management and Organizational Development
  2. Transformational Leadership
  3. Strategic Marketing for Technological companies 
  4. Software Architecture for Managers
  5. Innovative Digital Disruption

Certificate Program in Technology Management

Program value

After completing the program, participants will be able to:

  • Unite and strengthen their technical and business competencies.
  • Improve understanding of key processes in technological companies.
  • Enhance management and leadership skills.

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive:

  • Certificate from the UCU Business School (LvBS) for the entire program or separately for each completed course.
  • Opportunity to continue their education in the Master’s program MSc in Technology Management (admission to the rules of enrollment) and receive a discount on tuition (10% upon completion of all 5 courses in the certificate program).


For whom

The Certification Program in Technology Management is created for:

  1. Managers and top managers of technology companies
  2. Business owners in the technological sphere
  3. Teams or individuals who want to better understand the technological companies
Contact person
лвбс львівська бізнес-школа бізнес-школа уку уку український католицький університет lvbs lviv business school ucu business school ucu ukrainian catholic university львівська бізнес-школа бізнесу
Ostap Salovskyi
Academic manager MSc in Technology Management