Barry Katz «The Architecture of Information: Structure and Symbol in the Age of Data» [Offline/Online подія]

For the second year in a row, the UCU Business School offers you the opportunity to learn from top lecturer Barry Katz, who has taught at Stanford for over 40 years and at California College of the Arts for over 30 years. This time at The Architecture of Information: Structure and Symbol in the Age of Data we will talk about Silicon Valley experience and how to adapt it for Ukraine. Join us on March 28.

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California’s Silicon Valley has been described as the most efficient innovation engine in the world. It has also been described as “an architectural wasteland,” a featureless, exurban landscape of crowded freeways, sterile office parks, and generic mini-malls. In the last decade, however, this has begun to change: Five of the world’s most prominent tech companies have, for the first time in their histories, built their own campuses, according to their own specifications, and from the ground up. Is the region that brought us personal computing, video games, smartphones, and social networks finally revealing an architecture suited to the post-pandemic, data-driven workplace of the future? What lessons might be learned as we imagine the postwar reconstruction of Ukraine?

Our speaker:
Barry Katz has served as Adjunct Professor in the Design Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, at Stanford University and Professor of Industrial and Interaction Design at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. In addition to his academic affiliations, Barry worked for more than twenty years with IDEO, Inc., the global design and innovation consultancy, where he conducted front-end research in support of IDEO project work. He is the author of eight books and consults with governments, companies, and academic institutions worldwide on issues pertaining to design and innovation.

Oleksandr Akymenko – director of the master’s program MSc in Innovations and Entrepreneurship of the UCU Business School, co-founder of Yes&Design and Platformmedia companies, consultant in the sphere of implementation of innovations and design thinking in business.

For whom this event will be useful:

  • owners and CEOs of businesses, leaders of startup teams;
  • entrepreneurs in search of a unique business model;
  • people who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their teams;
  • innovation and marketing specialists;
  • for those interested in obtaining quality business education.

When: March 28, 6:00 PM
Where: 002 auditorium, 29a Stryiska St. (UCU Sheptytsky Center) OR online
Language: English
Cost: 800 UAH