LvBS Corporate Programs: how to create an innovative university in Ukraine? SoftServe × LNU

24 Sep 2021

We did it! Leadership School 2.0 for the employees of Lviv universities has been launched. The previous cooperation of LvBS, SoftServe, and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv showed excellent results: new curricula and projects were implemented. That is why we continue to cooperate to improve the quality of Ukrainian education. This time, the representatives of other educational institutions — Lviv Polytechnic National University, It Step University, etc. — have joined the program.

«The university aims to form a mindset and, to some extent, bring students up. We should help them to make their way in the world through learning. We should give them a successful future»,  said Taras Kytsmey, SoftServe owner.

In the first module, we analyzed a university as a system, talked about leadership in times of change, and studied the cases of the world universities.

As a team, we concluded that a combination of leadership and innovations is a prerequisite for true success. To guarantee that each year more and more professionals graduate from the university, it is necessary to create there a motivating and inspiring environment.

«The universities should shift to the market economy, where the heads of faculties and departments are not only scientists but also managers, where a program is a product, and it should be released in a competitive environment. The Leadership School participants not only learn theory and do some projects. Here they have an environment for communication and sharing the best practices of different universities. And it is highly important»,  said Taras Kytsmey during the program opening ceremony.

Those were three highly productive days on the premises of SoftServe. We would like to thank all the participants and lecturers. There is still lots of work to be done. And there are many new ideas and discussions ahead.