10 years of LvBS: Business and education as a hope for Ukraine

The Lviv Business School of UCU (LvBS) is on the threshold of its 10th anniversary. Very soon we will be celebrating our special day. Remember this date, save it, because we want to spend this day with You – 11 February 2018!

On this day, together with the participants, graduates, friends, and partners, we will gather to listen about the successes and hopes of the Ukrainian business during the discussion of the LvBS founders with the participation of the president of the Ukrainian Catholic University, metropolitan Borys.

We invite you to join the discussion and a prayer service, after pre-registration.

Schedule of the LvBS events for 11 February:

14:00 – welcome coffee
14:30 – discussion
16:00 – prayer service at the Church of Sophia, the Wisdom of God
17:00 – banquet (participation by invitation).

See you in the circle of the nearest and dearest, in the atmosphere of hope, which we truly have the power to create together: the business, the university, and the business school!

Read also: 10 years of LvBS. Volodymyr Turchynovskyi about business as creativity

Reference: The Lviv Business School of UCU (LvBS) was founded in 2008 by the Ukrainian Catholic University and the leading companies from various fields. School’s mission: Ukraine on the business map of the world. The school offers four professional master’s degree programs and management development programs, as well as corporate training programs. LvBS has an international accreditation of the Central and East European Management Development Association.