Alumni Council

UCU Business School Alumni Board is a volunteer body whose main mission is to promote the growth of the UCU BS graduates community and cooperate with the UCU BS team to implement projects that are important both to the community’s growth and to society as a whole. Besides, its task is to spread knowledge about Ukrainian Catholic University, support its initiatives, and strive for the growth of UCU and Business School.

The alumni board started its work in February 2017 and is comprised of representatives of the four UCU BS Master’s Programs. And in March 2021, the graduates chose the following Board Members:

Alumni board

Olena Sozanska

Key Executive MBA programme graduate, Founder at Smart Space, Drohobych, СЕО Taor Karpaty Resort&SPA 2013-2019


Key Executive MBA programme graduate, Deputy Finance Director for CFG Agricultural Holding, co-founder at BJET, alumni representative in the LvBS Advisory Council

Ivan Petrenko

Key Executive MBA programme graduate; Executive Director of the UCU Center for Entrepreneurship

Yurii Samets

Key Executive MBA programme graduate; Co-owner of Sambay sewing production, Lviv


MSc in Technology Management programme graduate, CEO at Akropol Managing Company


MSc in Technology Management graduate; Partner and CTO at Innocode Company, Lviv

Olha Herus

MA in Human Resources and Organization Development program graduate (2018), Senior HR BP at; Co-Founder в Urban Space 500


Liudmyla Dovhobrod

MA in Human Resources and Organization Development programme graduate (2019), Human Capital Director at StarLightMedia, Kyiv


MSc in Innovations and Entrepreneurship programme graduate, co-founded ThinkFood after graduation


Halyna Zherebetska

MSc in Innovations and Entrepreneurship programme graduate, Co-founder & Director of family Business «F Kayan»