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Financial management


July 4, 2025


2 days

Language of instruction





22 500 UAH
(excluding VAT)

Early registration (for payments made by June 4 inclusive)

21 500 UAH
(excluding VAT)

About the program
Times of uncertainty bring many financial difficulties, which can be avoided if you possess the necessary financial skills. Knowledge of finance helps to understand the business better, plan realistic projects, and make quality management decisions. UCU Business School (LvBS) invites you to the «Financial Management» program to acquire practical financial literacy skills and further their effective application.
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Participants will study the basic principles of financial management, as well as master financial planning and budgeting.

  • They will enhance both professional and personal financial literacy.
  • Participants will immerse themselves in the world of finance for 2 days.
  • They will acquire the financial skills necessary for making sound management decisions.
  • In this course, the participants will work on live practical cases (in teams).
  • The presentation of financial material is easy to perceive.
  • All the participants will receive the Lviv Business School of Ukrainian Catholic University (LvBS) program completion certificate.
Program curriculum

Topics that will be covered during the training:

  • Fundamentals, role, and functions of financial management.
  • Peculiarities of finance and interactions between financiers and small & medium business owners.
  • Difference between P&L and Cash Flow.
  • Reporting.
  • Criteria for recognizing events in the financial sector: cash and accrual methods.
  • Statement of financial performance — P&L.
  • How to read P&L statement and draw conclusions from it.
  • Balance sheet and cash flow statement.
  • Basic financial ratios.
  • Working capital and money cycle.
  • Cash Flow analysis. How to find out what are the expenditures in business.
  • Preparing a cash flow statement under the indirect method.
  • Analyzing a company’s break-even point (CVP analysis).
  • Marginal profitability and how to use it to justify decisions.
  • Cost price formation, variable and fixed costs.
  • Pricing and its impact on marginal profitability.
  • Financial planning and budgeting: from plan to implementation.


For whom

The program will be useful for:

  • Business owners who want to deepen their knowledge of finance and need a systemic vision on the company’s financial map;
  • Department heads and managers eager to learn how to make clear and sound financial decisions;
  • Non-financial professionals who need to gain or enhance the financial view on the company’s work;
  • Other non-financial professionals who need a solid financial background.



«The program is very intensive and well-structured, particularly beneficial for those unfamiliar with finance. However, after the first day, there is a sense of being overwhelmed by new terminology, making it difficult to grasp everything if you don’t catch on immediately. Nevertheless, the program revealed three important things: finance is about the future, not the past; substance matters more than form; and now I have a clear structure that I plan to apply in my work.»

Volodymyr Sokolyk
Operations Manager, Roboneers.

«Програма дуже насичена та структурована, особливо корисна для тих, хто далекий від фінансів. Водночас, після першого дня є відчуття перенавантаження новою термінологією, що може викликати труднощі в розумінні, якщо відразу все не вловив. Однак, програма відкрила для мене три важливі речі: фінанси — це про майбутнє, а не минуле; важлива суть, а не форма; і тепер я маю чітку структуру, яку планую застосовувати у своїй роботі.»

Володимир Соколик
Операційний менеджер, Roboneers

I want to acknowledge the level of the lecturer. The information was communicated in a highly accessible manner, in plain language. I do use the knowledge I gained in my everyday work. Also, I want to draw some attention to the level of the listeners — my groupmates with whom I had to work on cases. It is quite high. I learned many useful things from my colleagues too.

Nazarii Bilobran
«Graf» Communications Center CEO


Olena Peshko

Executive Education manager