Employee Motivation: How to motivate besides money?


Spring, 2025


2 days





Early Bird Price (paid by May 28, 2025)

19 000 UAH (excluding VAT)


20 000 UAH (excluding VAT)

One of the biggest challenges for businesses and managers is that employees change jobs quickly, feel demotivated, and fail to unleash their talents in the workplace. Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly support employees and create a favorable environment for making changes. The UCU Business School invites you to an updated two-day program called «Employee Motivation: How to motivate besides money?. This training will provide an understanding of how to identify motivational factors, prevent employee demotivation, and support them not only financially.
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Topics we will be discussing:

  • Defining personal motivation and the factors that shape it or can influence it.
  • Key motivation tools for effective interaction with subordinates, partners, and contractors.
  • Components of a motivational conversation: preparation and execution algorithm.
  • Understanding team motivational factors and non-material motivation tools.
  • How to leverage team diversity to strengthen it?
  • Loyalty and engagement.
  • Signs of demotivation and early signs of emotional burnout: prevention and transformation algorithm.
  • Creating motivating cultures.
  • Managing motivation in an organization.

Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Identify their own motivational profile and the factors that shape motivation.
  • Build an individual approach to motivating each team member.
  • Identify individual motivators of colleagues.
  • Diagnose demotivation and transform it.
  • Design motivational programs at the organizational level.

The program will be beneficial for team leaders, operations directors, owners, and anyone in the management chain of the company.

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«You cannot check employee motivation off as «done». It’s a strategic direction that must be integrated into the management system, ensuring constant diagnosis and monitoring. An important aspect of teamwork is feedback based on openness, respect, and consideration of each employee’s values. Motivation is an individual’s internal choice with all its consequences. Sometimes we confuse our motivators with a person’s motivators — it’s important to remember this when implementing a motivation system.

Instructor Irina Tymoshchenko-Petrova presented complex concepts and mechanisms very easily and structured. There was a wonderful atmosphere in the classroom that even made me, as an introvert, actively engage and share my thoughts.»

Victor Valchuk
Director of Land Resources Department, Continental Farmers Group
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«The training was extremely informative and allowed me to identify effective motivation methods that I can confidently implement into our studio’s operations to enhance our activities. Thanks to the program, I now know how to create a clear employee development plan, which tools to apply within the team, and what questions to ask to better understand people. Our coffee breaks and lunches turned into mini brainstorming sessions with colleagues, making the training even more beneficial and productive.»

Olha Marshalek
Co-founder of Blur Beauty Space
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«I recommend this program to everyone, even those who think they know everything about their team. While you won’t find a magic wand, you’ll definitely be able to build an effective model for working with and developing your team. I learned how important it is to communicate with colleagues, significantly provide quality feedback, and I plan to implement one-on-one interviews for better understanding of each team member.»

Olena Martsiuniuk
Director of Sales Management and Network, Kredobank
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«An extremely useful program for finding both personal motivation and team motivation. The educational content covers various tools, types of motivation, individual approaches to different psychotypes, as well as strategies for behavior analysis to enhance employee motivation. It is beneficial for both personal development and understanding various team processes.»

Valentyna Asmolkova
Sr Regional Distribution manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific

«The subject is timeless. Motivation is always subject to constant revision. You don’t know and utilize everything, as many things, as a leader, you learn through hands-on experience. So now, there is logic in seeking additional experience not only in the classroom from the instructor but also in discussions with colleagues who have gathered.

Motivation is not just about business; it also applies to personal life. We motivate children, colleagues, and our team, and sometimes we motivate ourselves. That’s why I recommend this program to everyone; it’s an exciting course. Thank you!»

Vitaliy Zapukhlyak
The General Director of the Ivano-Frankivsk Bus Stations Enterprise, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in Ukraine.
Oksana Kolyba

Executive Education Manager