Certificate Program in Technology Management

A unique comprehensive Certificate Program for the new vision of Technology Business


Winter 2025

Duration of 1 course

2-3 days each





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About the program

The program consists of several required courses, which are part of the master’s program, and are divided into areas: technology, business, and management, as well as the development of soft skills. Each course aims to acquire the necessary knowledge in a specific field.

During the program, participants will develop the vision of technology business, combine technical and business competencies, and strengthen their knowledge in finance, personnel management, and leadership.

Upon successful completion of all six courses and an introductory interview, participants will have the opportunity to continue their studies at the MSc in Technology Management.


Program’s structure

The curriculum consists of 5 courses. Each of them will last 2-3 days and will include 12-18 study hours.

The program starts on January 2025, with an interval of 1 course for 1 month. The final course of the program is scheduled for May 2025.

Certificate Program courses:

For whom

The Certification Program in Technology Management is created for:

  1. Managers and top managers of technology companies
  2. Business owners in the technological sphere
  3. Teams or individuals who want to better understand the technological companies
Value of the program

After completing the program, participants will be able to:

  • Unite and strengthen their technical and business competencies.
  • Improve understanding of key processes in technological companies.
  • Enhance management and leadership skills.

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive:

  • Certificate from the UCU Business School (LvBS) for the entire program or separately for each completed course.
  • Opportunity to continue their education in the Master’s program MSc in Technology Management (admission to the rules of enrollment) and receive a discount on tuition (10% upon completion of all 5 courses in the certificate program).


Contact Person
лвбс львівська бізнес-школа бізнес-школа уку уку український католицький університет lvbs lviv business school ucu business school ucu ukrainian catholic university львівська бізнес-школа бізнесу
Ostap Salovskyi
Academic manager MSc in Technology Management